Friday, February 26, 2010

Ruth spots the Elegant Trogan

The Commander wandered into the brush with Ruth on Ruth's first exposure to bird lunatics. The group was in search of the elusive Elegant Trogan. After hours of searching the group finally saw the one Trogan known to be in the area. When Ruth spotted the bird an old time birdbrain asked her if it would now be on her "Life List". Ruth being a novice had no idea what a "Life List" is. For birdbrains a life list is the list of every bird you have ever seen in you life. The old birdbrain said "Well it is now". For Ruth this is like your first plane ride being on the space shuttle. Not that many birders ever get to see the Elegant Trogan. It is a rare Mexican bird that makes a tiny dent into the United States. Ruth's life list will now start from the top down. Ruth seems to be becoming a birdbrain in short order. Ruth is talking about working her life list from both ends, now she wants to fly to New York and see the Elegant Pigeon in Central Park to get the other end of the list started.

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