Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Crawl out the window, or Call Rodger? No good choice

Last night The Commander watched the temperature drop on her bedside digital thermometer. At three in the morning The Commander decided to do an inspection of the Earth Module. All the water would run but in the shower. To add to her consternation, the refrigerator seemed to have stopped working. Reluctantly Kadizzle was forced out of bed to address the crises. To be on the conservative side the generator needed to be started so the heater could work at top efficiency. In the first attempt to open the door on the Earth Module it became apparent we were frozen in. The door would not open. Faced with the prospect of damaging the door there were two options, alert Ruth and Rodger and try to get them to open the door or have The Commander crawl out the window. Crawling out the window is not a simple maneuver because the window is small and about five feet up. Waking up Ruth and Rodger seems like the best option. So we called Ruth, but she did not get to the phone in time. Then it occurred to Kadizzle that he could open the small window by the door and throw some hot water on the outside. Before this plan could be implemented Ruth called back, and Rodger came to the rescue. A little hot water on the door seal did the trick. Kadizzle also had another insight about the shower. The shower can be shut off like most showers two ways. The Commander never considered that the shower was shut off at the shower head. It turned out there was no real problem except the refrigerator. As the sun warms up the roof more than likely the snow on the vent will melt and the refrigerator vent. In retrospect there was no real problem. The Commander was fidgety all night and sleeping was not easy, but we all have awakened to a gorgeous day with about an inch of snow on the ground. Another day on the border waiting for the border patrol to make the morning rounds.

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