Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Massive Bullshit in the Desert

Kadizzle got caught in a couple of cackle storms today. Usually Kadizzle accuses The Commander of getting into a cackle storm, but Kadizzle had his own today. First a round with Bud the camp host. Bud's dad was an oil field rough neck, so that got us going in all directions. Then on the way back from the morning visit to the executive suite Kadizzle ran into the old logging dozer man. Dozer man had not been seen for a couple days. Dozer explained he had ear balance problems that were making him sick. This launched into an hour long conversation into his exposure to radiation and a host of logging, mining, spying, lying, and everything else. Of course Kadizzle had an abundance of stories. The BS quota has been met for the week. Bud was up early and The Commander and Kadizzle heard the distinct squeak of the gate at 6 A.M. In not time Bud had the fire going. Yesterday while hiking with Barry he told me he called his wife the commander also. Barry, his wife, and my Comander made an eight mile hike. Kadizzle dropped them off and picked them up because of the bad leg. Barry told me what it was like to hike with two commanders. He was well instructed.

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