Sunday, February 28, 2010

Border Insanity

The massive amounts of money going up in flames on the border is total insanity. Here you see pictured one shift of the vehicles used in the Sonoita area. Yesterday Lord Kadizzle asked a local person why they had so many vehicles sitting still. The gas station mechanic explained that each border patrol agent had his own vehicle. This was necessary because if they exchanged vehicles they could not know who was abusing them. So good old uncle same has to have two vehicles sitting for each one in use, since there are three shifts. 900 million is being spent for fencing along the border. It simply does not work. The whole system has proven over and over that it cannot defeat crime, drugs, and Tyson Chicken. As the left hand tries to stop them, the right hand pays them to cut meet in the packing factories. Lobbyist make sure there is no effective way to keep the cheap labor out of our country. Mexico is so corrupt it is hopeless. Mexico had one brilliant idea, build tourism in Mexico. The idea was a splashing success in Cancun, and Mexico would like to try it elsewhere. Why not take the 900 million we are sinking into the border fence and loan it to Mexico to develop resorts along the West Coast of Mexico? Let the Mexicans develop their own economy. Would you rather go to Las Vegas or be on the beach in Mexico getting your pockets cleaned? Kadizzle would take Mexico any day. The daily cost of the giant hide and go seek game on the border is beyond belief. When the Vietnam War was in full bloom the United States was spending $150,000 dollars in ammunition alone to kill one North Vietnamese. Someone made the observation that we could bring them to the United States and send them to an Ivy League school cheaper. There has to be a better way to handle the border mess. China is kicking our ass with cheap labor. Mexico is the poster child of cheap labor, why can't they be our next door China? The other day when Kadizzle had a chat with the young border patrol kid from Kansas. The young agent said how much fun it was driving around in a truck chasing people. He loved it. It may be great fun, but it is a great waste of money for a country deeply in debt. Sitting here in the heart of the border game one wonders about the logistics of the silly game. As we hike in the very area where the problem is one can see that a person stationed on each little rise could effectively watch several miles of land. There seems to be no logical approach to this mess. When the communist countries were in the midst of the cold war somehow they managed to keep their borders secure. No one came in or out. How did they do it? North and South Korea have perfected the game. Where is all the electronics in this game? Why not have American Military bases here on the border and let the soldiers guard us from the border crosser's? There just seems to be a phony charade going on. Isreal is at war with the Palestinians yet Isreal has found a way to let the Palestinians come over and clean the toilets. Are they smarter than us?

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