Sunday, January 13, 2008

Its about time someone was honest

Below is a video clip a Kadizzled follower put Lord Kadizzle onto. Lord Kadizzle is a rabid Christopher Hitchens fan because Hitchens has the courage to say publicly what so many cowardly people will not. Hitchens feels God is not the solution, but the problem. One thing Hitchens talks about in the interview is the indoctrination of children. This is criminal. Adults should be honest with children about what is known, and what is not known, it is crucial in learning to think. If the same amount of time were spent teaching children science and math, that is put into teaching them superstition, the world would be a better place. Sometimes the question is put to me or I am accused of being an atheist. My reply is usually "I am agnostic". I don't know if there is something more than the obvious. I am adult enough to admit it.

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