Wednesday, January 02, 2008

I am hateful

I have been perplexed by people who call me hateful. In discussions with people where we have different points of view, I have almost always found that when the person cannot defend their point of view, they resort to calling me hateful. Put another way, confronting illogic, with logic is hateful. Some of these people often have the audacity to say, "I know your wrong, but I don't have time to prove it". One of the best cases of this are the people who call me a Bush hater. These people never provide any information that supports their point of view. In fact when I send them documentation that supports my point of view, they refuse to read it. From the standpoint of these people the scientist that claimed the Earth was not the center of the universe, were "hateful". The point of the video below is along these lines. I have had the same experience the man in the video reports. The loving religious people cannot wait to tell me I am going to hell, because I had the audacity to question their beliefs. So I must tell anyone, and everyone, that if you question anything I expound I will consider you hateful, and if you provide proof I am wrong, I will consider you exceptionally vile. This whole train of thought came from my pondering a New Years Resolution. Someone suggest that I quit being hateful with people that I disagreed with. In code this seemed to mean that I should just be polite when someone is promoting "Intelligent Design", or introducing religion into the school system. Of course these people are not being hateful when they expound ideas I don't agree with.

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