Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Armed and Dangerous

We searched in desperation, but did not see a single grouse. This has never happened in this area before. There were a few pheasants. Prior to hunting Lord Kadizzle expressed his concern about hunting with the Commander to the Police Chief in Hazen. Lord Kadizzle explained that he had been negligent in doing the dishes and a few other task and it may be an ideal chance for the Commander to do him in. The Chief assured me if I was found dead with a shotgun blast to the back of my head they would declare it a suicide. Chief said the report would read "Lord Kadizzle shot himself in the back of the head in self defense". Since I had the attention of our police chief I decided to ask him if it was unusual for The Commander to ask me to make the bed with a blue truck tarp. The Chief pondered for a minute and asked me "Is she telling you to put the sheet on the top or the bottom?" "On the bottom I replied". "You have a problem" he said.

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