Monday, August 13, 2007

Milk Day

As a child I remember Mr. Bell the milkman. Mr. Bell would sometimes give us free orange drink, or some chewing gum. If nothing else Mr. Bell would let you have a nice piece of ice. Today at nine I have to go to the local milk distributer and help unload the big truck. This ancient creamery has trucks that may have been driven by Mr. Bell back in the 50's.

The older couple that delivers the milk just refuses to give up. When the regular helper does not work, it is my job to fill in. It is good exercise, so I don't mind. I am amazed the Daryl and Ruth can still lift tons of milk every day. The creamery is laid out so poorly that we almost wear the milk out moving it around before it ever gets delivered. The milk comes off the big truck, and for some crazy reason the diver only brings it half way. I have to move it into the cooler. About an hour after we put it in the cooler we take it back out and put it on Daryl's truck. I have always wondered why we just don't put it right on the delivery truck. I suppose we have to get it accustomed to a new home and give it a chance to rest.

For the grand finally we go to stores and stock the shelves. Sometimes we go to little restaurants. I loose my appetite to eat out when I walk in the back of many of these little eating places.

I see this as a noble pursuit making sure all Gods children have milk.

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