Sunday, August 23, 2020

The Nazis are coming out of the dark

 Every time Kadizzle sees a Trump flag or any Trump cult material it shocks him like seeing a Nazi symbol. Driving across the midwest and seeing people proudly declare they are idiots is frightening. In Bismark they had a Trump rally of boats on the river.  The level of stupidity is unfathomable.  How can Trump provide such overwhelming evidence he is a crook, a liar, a con man, and a criminal yet his cult members adore his insanity, his blatant immorality.  How do they do it, how do they do it.  

Kadizzle should not be amazed.  Humans are cable of delusion in a major way.  Don't mean to offend, but churches have shown us how willing people are to believe the illogical, the unscientific, the comforting lies.  Trump is the new Jesus to these people.  Nothing Trump does adds up to reality, but the fools want to believe. Religion is all about a story that makes sense out of something that does not make sense.  Trump tells his cult their hatred of minorities makes sense, their greed makes sense, and it satisfies their need for an explanation.  People grab at explanations. People want to feel assured they know what is happening. Trump tells them a lie they like, they buy it.  When you see mass insanity it is scary.  Women were burnt as witches by mass insanity, and millions were murdered when mass insanity struck Germany.  Trump has used every trick in Hitler's playbook.  Trump has played to the masses that have been abused by the rich. Trump has made the truck driver feel like they have someone on their side.  The simple minded love Trump spitting in the face of normality because normality did the dolts wrong.  It seems the survival of this country is at stake in this election.  The big question is can the country come out of the fog? There is some hope.  Trump has become so bad some of the people who can see have left the Republican gulag. Maybe, there will be a magic bullet of intelligence that sparks the revival of thinking.  No brain fully functioning could buy into the Trump mythology. 

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