Tuesday, August 18, 2020

A society of collectors

Stroupini is involved in a charitable project cleaning out the home of a hoarder.  Moving let one see how bad a hoarder even a non hoarder is.  So much junk, so much useless stuff, so much wasted money.  Seeing all  our wedding gifts that never were used.  Expensive fribles that have sat for years.  So much useless stuff.  Bees collect honey and some day they hope to eat it, but humans just collect junk. Converting the junk to cash is hopeless.  Strange ways of doing it.  Among other thing the Kadizzles have accumulated antlers.  Up at the Cenex hall a guy was buying antlers, so we hauled our up there for fifty bucks.  Fortunately old friends have purchased a lot of our furniture.  Still we will end up moving stuff that is worth less than the cost of the move. 

Back to the hoarders Stroupini is helping.  The garage was packed to the ceiling.  23 pickup loads went to the dump.  Many unopened boxes just thrown out.  Stroupine says they still have packed rooms to go. Poor old Stroupini had to haul mold laden boxes out of the basement.  What motivates people to act like squirrels? Our problem is art.  Art is fine on the wall, but the number of paintings, posters, and prints we have had to package is astounding. Most of the crap has just been in the art museum in the basement. 

The worst part of our cleansing is the junk of the children.  For fifty years we have been saving the toys of the children, all their drawings, and momentos.  Now we have to haul a pickup load to Cheech in Philadelphia, and Snooch in Denver. 

Most disturbing are the container ships hauling eighteen thousand containers at a time of Chinese junk to our country.  The garbage truck are busy running this stuff to the landfill. 

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