Sunday, August 30, 2020

The Earth Module sits beside Ray's house.  Ray was a good old friend that passed away.  His son graciously let us move into his empty home.  The Hazen domicile is behind us and we have stepped into a new world.  Ray had a very nice home with many amenities.  Out in the country things are so nice and peaceful.  It is such a pleasant break from the hectic life of moving. 

National affairs are disturbing.  The Trump cult is frightening.  It seems we are on the verge of civil war.  The last civil war was won by the north because of industrialization.  Hopefully this civil war will be won by the side that has science, and reality on their side.  So much of what Trump has stirred up reminds one too much of Nazi Germany.  The cults ability to soak up the lies and paranoid nonsense is astounding.  As we approach the election we can only expect the insanity to grow. 

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