Sunday, June 14, 2020

Sad to see the Brain die

Some problems developed with our pickup truck.  It seemed the battery was not charging the way it should.  After spending a small fortune the mechanics said the problem was solved, but they were not sure how they solved the problem.  Kadizzle questioned if the truck had actually been fixed.  In the morning Kadizzle went out to the truck and started the engine to see if the battery was charging correctly. Kadizzle reported to Winky who was standing by the the repair seemed to have been a failure.  To determine if the battery is charging of course Kadizzle thought he was looking at the gauge that indicates the state of the battery.  Winky said let me see what you are talking about.  Kadizzle pointed to the gas gauge and said to Winky " Look that needle should be right in the middle and it is not" .  Winky said " You idiot, that is the gas gauge."   Kadizzle suddenly realized what a 70 year old brain is like.  Fortunately the Truck had half a tank of gas so the battery was not dead.  Checking the correct gauge things seemed better. 

There is something magic about the brain, and sleep.  Yesterday Kadizzle drove himself insane trying to fix the garage door.  The door would go up about a foot and stop.  Kadizzle spent six hours adjusting, lubricating, and fiddling with the damn door.  Still no success.  In the end Kadizzle gave up with the thought that the answer might come to him in his sleep.  Awakening this morning Kadizzle realized he had been concentrating on the door.  Kadizzle had paid no attention to the mechanism that actually does the work.  Neighbor Bob asked last night " Did you lubricate the chain".  The answer is no, but that did lead to the thought about lubricating the slide the mechanism runs on.  That is probably the problem.  Cannot wait to find out.  Everyone has heard the saying " sleep on it".   It really works. 

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