Sunday, June 14, 2020

Political facemask

It is Sunday morning.  Winky just wandered into the kitchen.  Kadizzle is sitting here reading The Economist.  A short little article on facemask caught his attention.  The article said facemask are more to protect other people than yourself.  Boing!  That explains it. Republicans don't care about anyone but themselves.  That is why they don't wear facemask.  Democrats care about other people, that is why they do wear facemask.  Could there be a simple way to identify people?  Republicans believe, I got mine, the hell with you.  Democrats believe the more people are happy the more they will be happy.  So now we have a system that is wonderful.  The idiots wear red hats, so you know them instantly. The selfish people don't wear mask, so you know them instantly.  Then there are some who take it one step farther and put up a Trump flag or a Trump bumper sticker.  They are making it clear they want nothing to do with reality. This is a great system we have in place.

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