Friday, March 06, 2020

The rattlesnakes are out

Once a couple people say snakes have been spotted life changes.  Going out at night takes on a different feel.  Watch where you step.  Cliff saw a big snake up by his camp.  Snake time is  alert time.

The real snake is in the White House.  Biden will just be the same old same old kissing up to the same gang that keeps the mess going. We need bold, we need different.  Incremental change does not work.  When you are drowning underwater you have to immediately come to the surface.  Coming up slowly an inch at a time does not work.  The peasants are drowning. Read the article in the New York Times about how people with no college education are dying early.  Incremental change hopeless.  In the background the stock market is down eight hundred.  Here goes another day.

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