Sunday, March 01, 2020

The Mother of All Flower Shows

Perhaps it is the biggest flower show in the world.  The crew went to the show.  It is a wallet buster. $48 per ticket.  A little high for a flower show, but it was packed with people.  Amazing what can be done with flowers, but a good walk in the forest, or desert would be Kadizzle's choice.  In New Zealand the free flower show in an abandoned rock quarry was a way better show.  The whole idea that people who rarely interact with nature on a large scale can get so excited about tamed plants.  Wild plants in wild places seem a lot more intriguing.

Will the virus rid us of Trump? We can only hope.  Trump's response to the problem has blasted our retirement savings with a major shot. Trump and his gang rejecting science and the truth seem like a bad combo to face any problem.  Can he lie his way out of this one?

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