Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Yesterday we helped chase everyone out of the campgrounds.  Kadizzle will spend the day very alone. It may be nice, the sun is up and bright.  Winky is going to hike up the mountain with Rita and Ken. The animals should love the place without all the troublesome humans.  Could be a good day for music.

The big question is will people get smarter?  The great depression made people smarter.  People saw through the trickle down economy.  Changes were made.  The rich were taxed, workers were protected, and things got better. 

Ronald Reagan led the way in the greed parade and Americans forgot all about sharing, unions, and the common good.  Me, me, me was the Republican motto.  Income inequality soared.  We became a nation of " I got mine, the hell with you".   Republicans invented the idea that if you worked hard you would be rich in no time.  It did not hurt to inherit a million or two for a good start.

Now we sit here with the whole greed economy exploded in an instant.  In 1978 the CEO made 47 times more than the worker.  Now it is 350 times what the working man gets.  All the benefits companies used to provide evaporated. 

Worst of all people got stupider.  Fox News spread stupidity faster than the virus.  People fell in love with idiocy and Republican lives.  Will be get smarter or sicker?

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