Monday, March 09, 2020

Shot out of the saddle

Planning for the future is related to retirement savings.  The stable genius does not give Kadizzle much faith.  The stock market is in free fall this morning, and the Trumpster is lying at a record pace.  Can Trump kill the virus with lies?  Who knows, but the stock market cannot not seem to believe the stable genius.  Kadizzle has to put some dreaming on hold.  No new motorcycle or sailboat.  In a crises what you want is a lying stable genius.  To make matters worse Trump has surrounded himself with idiots that believe him and make up their own fantasies. 

So in the middle of the night Winky decided we will hike up to the Angels Wings.  That is an old asbestos mine at the very top of the mountain.  Kadizzle was not real enthusiastic about the trip, but decided to go as far up the mountain as possible with the electric bike and then hike.  The road up the mountain is impossible even for a jeep.  Should be interesting. Kadizzle rode the bike partially up that route last year.  The brakes got extremely hot coming down with the large lump in the saddle.

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