Friday, May 24, 2019

Rainy Day Blues

Kadizzle is sitting here with the little cackle hen jumping around like a bean. Confined to the house is not easy when you spent the whole winter outside. Kadizzle was lucky.  When he graduated he was told " Your not smart enough to live life on your own"  .  With a good stroke of luck Kadizzle met Mrs. Kadizzle.  Old Kadizzle never realized how dumb he actually was until the Mrs. started telling him how to do every task a normal person could do on their own.  Living in a group home is not easy.  Shut the door, turn off the coffee, take your shoes off, put your underwear in the bin, and on it goes endlessly.  That is life at the group home.  Adult supervision is such a blessing. For a member of the group home constant orders are a must. A task you have done a million times still requires and order from the house mom.  Top this off with questions.  Did you take the garbage out? Yes.  So you took the garbage out? In English I just said yes. Did you put it in the street? Yes. Well you know the garbage men will not take it if it is six inches off the street.  Take your shoes off, and shut the door. Close the bedroom window when you get up like you have for the last thirty years.  Yup, you never learn at the group home.

This all gets back to a story.  One hundred years ago when Kadizzle was at college we had to go to a mental facility and take the inmates for a walk.  As we went on a nature hike a woman with a mental problem looked at an Osage orange like she was going to eat it.  These things are inedible.  A young psychology student excitedly yelled " Don't eat that".   The mental patient explained to the student. " We are in here because we are crazy, not stupid".  That kind of sums up Kadizzles life here at the group home on 7th Ave.

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