Monday, May 06, 2019

Push the rock

My hero has always been Sisyphus. You know the guy who keeps pushing a rock up hill only to have it roll back down on him.  That is the stock market under Trump. Here we sit enjoying John Prine on a Monday morning.  The garage is out there with most of the insulation in, but no where can we find drywall Willy. We need someone to put up the drywall.  Finding a plumber, electrician, or any tradesman in Hazen, North Dakota is hopeless.  This all means we may end up doing it ourselves. It will be like building our own Sistine Chapel.  You can imagine the results.

Winky is up at six in the morning watching Game of Thrones.  As Trump drags the country into the sewer we watch Game of Thrones, and sports.  Someone wrote an article in the NYT today about ignorance being the national menace.  With Trump as president what do you think? Will the simple minded be the fodder for the Republicans in the next election while the literate people sit on the couch? 

Spring will never come to North Dakota.  We left Arizona and flowers were blooming, the grass was pushing the trailer up in the air.  In North Dakota everything is struggling to turn green.  The sky is gloomy and the state feels like it is being run by old white greedy Republicans.  One amazing trick the Republicans get away with is telling everyone welfare cheats are the problem.  There are no greater welfare cheats than the people of North Dakota.  For every dollar in taxes paid by North Dakota the state gets back $1.78.  What a deal, I send you a dollar you send me back almost twice as much.  Does it get any better?  Then you say our country is being destroyed by welfare cheats.

This welfare cheat needs to get off his ass and get something done today.  Perhaps riding the ebike.  Our mission is to make the country safe for democracy.  Good luck.

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