Monday, May 20, 2019

A known quantity

Yesterday this mass of humanity decided to ride the ebike up towards the lake.  The ride was sort of an experiment to test how far the ebike could go on one charge.  An ebike is like life.  The battery is like the day you are born.  One hundred percent of your life is a head of you.  Now with the bike Kadizzle left Hazen with one hundred percent of the power in the battery.  As the trip progressed toward the lake the batter level dropped.  When do you turn around.  Like life the bike is governed by how hard you peddle. Kadizzle though it best to turn back at fifty percent.  When the trip reached the last big hill 45 percent of the battery had been used.  Now you can of course predict without total accuracy when the battery will give out.  That is the problem with life. At 70 years of age the battery that operates Kadizzle is somewhere near the end.  Do you peddle harder, do you glide, do you put the power setting on high, or do you try to stay low and conserve. The bike has four settings that determine how much help you get from the battery.  The settings are low green, high green, low blue and high blue.  Low green is next to no help. High green just about cancels the extra weight of the bike and makes it pretty close to a normal bike. Low blue is also called standard and that is a good description. In low blue you are cheating, but it feels good. High blue will erase a hill.  Now back to life.  How do you move toward the end of life or as we say your battery.  Do you blow all your money or  do you become miserly and crawl to the end.  After the bike experiment the calculations seemed to indicate Kadizzle could make it to Pick City with the bike.  One big problem, the battery would not get Kadizzle back to Hazen.  So a trip to Pick City means you would have to stay there for about two hours to recharge, which also means you have to carry the charger with you.

Maybe Kadizzle will try that experiment today.  It is 23 miles to Pick City.  Yesterday there was a strong headwind.  With no wind the milage should be better. Back to life. At seventy the battery is not putting out the power it used to.  Being over weight does not help, nor does it help on the bike. The good news is it looks like finally a nice day.

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