Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Cancer Scare

The worst thing about turning old is seeing your friends get shot down.  Cancer has eaten up a lot of our best friends. Mrs. Kadizzle just had a cancer scare.  An ultra sound in Hazen indicated a problem with her pancreas.  For days she was in that terrible state where you think the end is near. The sun rose yesterday and brought good news when she had an MRI in Bismarck, no cancer.  It was a dark cloud lifted. The bad news is the people who don't get the good news.  Kadizzle went through the prostate cancer treatment.  Not fun, but still alive and the doctor said to chose something else to die from. 

There is a lesson in this.  Enjoy every moment.  Another lesson, give up on that little shit. Does it really matter if a weed came up in the garden?  There will still be plenty of flowers. For better or worse we are in the fourth quarter.  It is time to sit back have a nice glass of wine, enjoy some music, and drink up the joy of the grandchildren. Does it really matter? 

Kadizzle invented the word niggifiddle.  What is a niggifiddle?  A niggifiddle is someone who gets all tied up in a meaningless task.  A good friend recently lost his dad.  Cleaning out his father's home the friend found tons of shotgun shell casings in the basement.  His dad reloaded shells.  So for some strange reason good friend decided to sort and count all the shells. As life goes on do you really want to sort and count things that should be shoveled in the trash and thrown out? That is classic niggifiddle.

There most be some comfort in meaningless task for niggifiddles.  It must get their mind off life and into a realm of oblivion.  Maybe it is a good thing. Routine makes some people feel good.  That is how people get stuck in the military.  They love a life with rules and regimentation.  What fun it that? All this brings Kadizzle to another niggifiddle incident. Years ago Kadizzle was scheduled to ski with a niggifiddle.  The fiddler shopped for three weeks to find the perfect skis.  When the day finally came to ski the niggifiddle stood at the top of the mountain and said " Now we have to find the right snow".  The mountain was covered with what appeared to be fine snow, but not for the niggifiddle. So after a search of the mountain the niggifiddle decided there was no " good snow".  Down the mountain he went and put on cross country skis.  He made one trip down the mountain with his carefully selected downhill skis.

Perfection never comes, and a life pursuing it is a game some people like.  God bless the niggifiddles.

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