Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Train off the tracks.

Kadizzle had as usual a strange dream last night.  He was on a train that came to the end of the track and just went on off the track.  Just now it occurred to him that was a message.  November is coming and it will be the tipping point.  Will we get back on the track?  It is scary.  The deplorables never learn.  They just keep buying lottery tickets from the Republicans.  They listen to the preaching on Fox News, and follow their cult leader The Donald.  So what if Russia and the Arabs murder people all over the world.  The Trumpster says we have to be nice.  The Donald gets loans from Russia, and the Saudis, he needs their help. We love the Donald so we need to support him.  Selling planes to murderers is good business and creates jobs.  Jobs, jobs, jobs, look at all the jobs for welfare wages.  Since the Republicans are going to make everyone work until they drop, everyone will need those jobs flipping hamburgers.

We got a mess right here in North Dakota.  The swamp that was supposed to be drained has been rising. Heidi is not perfect, but she is a saint compared to Cramer.  You, you, you, need to talk to every Hooplehead you know and get her elected.  Women are the key to this whole thing.  There were some slaves who thought slavery was a good thing, but they were few and far between.  In North Dakota there are woman who would deliberately vote Republican, far too many.  No female should ever support the Republican agenda.  Women take the brunt of every Republican policy. Fist they are robbed of their right to run their own body, then of course they are the ones who suffer most from being a single parent.  On it goes.  Why would any woman vote Republican? Could you be alive, alert, and not hear Trump insult some woman every day? Trump has made racism and the belittling of women popular.  This is the man who walked into the women's dressing room at his Miss America show in Russia.  This is the man who says " Grab them by the Pussy".   So what woman in their right mind would support his party?  In summary get off your butt, use your phone, your mouth, your fingers, and wake up some people to vote.  Otherwise accept the pending disaster.

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