Sunday, October 14, 2018

Home at Last

God bless Honest Omar for picking up the Kadizzles at the airport.  Home at last to peace, silence and the molasses pace of North Dakota. Sure North Dakota has some draw backs, but also some blessings.  There are no lines, no traffic lights, and the number of dingers is minuscule compared to the big city.  Cheech can have the East.  From Boston to Florida it is one giant freeway and shopping center with some slums thrown in.  The carrying capacity of the Earth has been exceeded and the bacteria called humanity just does not realize you can only put so many germs in a test tube.

Not everything has slowed down.  Jasper Littlebottom is going berserk.  There was some kind of leak from the toilet while we were gone.  Some drywall in the basement is wet and so is some carpet.  Jasper has been acting like we have a radiation leak.  It may be just a matter of some fans, and drying things out, but meanwhile Jasper is panicking .

So many easterners have never visited the west.  They don't know there is a vast land out here with room.  Room to walk, spit, sing, breathe, and move about without bumping into anyone.  Kadizzle remembers 1976 and his first trip north of Bismarck.  Everything seemed so empty and foreign.  The natives here used to say how the east felt claustrophobic, now Kadizzle understands what they were saying.  As a kid Kadizzle used to think the field at the end of the street was huge.  The hills were big, back in West Virginia, the scale was different.  Now returning to the old neighborhood Kadizzle realizes how small and narrow the streets were.  It is as if someone put the old world in a dryer and shrank everything.

A big puzzle returning from the land of many is mass transit. Why will this country not modernize and address mass transit.  High speed trains would change the world in the land of the crowded.  On a good day an American train can do 70 miles per hour.  Meanwhile the Japanese, Chinese, and Europeans move along at speeds exceeding 150 mph and approaching 200.  To top it off the roads are in terrible shape.  Why can't you get on a high speed train and go north and south on the East coast.  One reason is we are building F-35 aircraft at one hundred million per copy. In the Navel Yard at Philadelphia you can see the hundreds of millions in rusting ships sitting there.  In Arizona the Air force junkyard has 54 billion in rusting planes sitting in the desert.  Each ship is multiple schools, homes, roads, hospitals, health care, and all the things humans need besides war.  Of course Republicans love war, and defense spending.  Just say guns, abortion, and lots of weapons, and you are elected as a Republican.  So the country is falling apart, we are getting dumber by the minute, and the Trumpster is lying at the speed of light.  November will tell the story. In November the rectal thermometer will be stuck up the bung hole of the nation and the temperature will be taken.  This thermometer reads in IQ rather than degrees. If Trump and his gang of thieves get elected the national IQ will bottom out.  The fever of stupidity will rage. It looks like a real possibility. 

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