Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Some basic rules for Honest Omar

Here in the Kadizzle household we have some coded sayings used to communicate classified information.  Every morning for most people it becomes necessary to go to the executive suite, and fire the cannon.  For he slow learners the executive suite has running water and a fan.  Now it has come to the attention of the Kadizzle staff that Honest Omar has been reading this blog in the executive suite.  That is sacrilegious.  These words are sacred text.  What worries Kadizzle with someone firing the cannon while reading the sacred text is that the information may be coming in through the eyes and immediately being ejected through the emergency exit.  One must contemplate these words and let them be slowly absorbed.   What are we to do?  Confession would be the best route.  Honest has confessed to Kadizzle, but that is not good enough, nor is it a proper confession.  So Honest Omar must do it correctly.  Go into the smallest closet in your house Honest.  Close the door and repeat these words.   " I have sinned and will sin no more ".  There will be a priest on the other side of the door listening.  Now if you get this response be careful  " Yes my son, I have heard your sins, but I do not have time right now to seek your forgiveness, I am with an alter boy".  Stay in the closet until it is time for mass, then come out.  Don't ever go in the closet again.  If our investigation unit finds  out you have been reading in the wrong place we will nominate you to be an alter boy. 

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