Tuesday, February 06, 2018

Up The Mountain

In the trail maintenance business one gets up early.  Kadizzle went over to the visitor center and got the trails truck to pick up the rest of the gang. Teddy the dog has been going with us so he jumped in with joy. Cliff suggested we go to the farthest trailhead possible.  This would give us a good rest before work and let the sun warm up the Earth a little.  Arriving at the trailhead Kadizzle realized he forgot his lunch.  So one apple he would have to live on for provisions.

Emile, Cliff, and Cissie like to hike at lightening speed so Kadizzle has been letting them rocket down the trail ahead.  Those three plan to do some brushing.  Kadizzle has become happier fixing the tread of the trail.  As the advance crew went ahead Kadizzle stayed back and moved some small boulders off the path.  In order to strengthen his sagging belly Kadizzle would do ten lifts with each large rock he took off the trail .

Working alone on a sunny day is peaceful, and the schedule is great.  When you want to hike, you hike. When you want to work, you work. When you want to sit and contemplate find a nice rock and sit.  The day went by and Kadizzle moved stumblers from the trail.  This is a very rocky trail, and somehow rocks seem to move themselves onto the trail. 

Turn around time finally came and Kadizzle wandered back to the truck.  Approaching the truck Kadizzle noticed a woman sitting in a car at the trailhead. She explained she was wainting for a friend hiking the other trail.  Sitting for three hours in a car waiting for someone else to hike did not seem like a lot of fun.  We struck up a conversation and a few tools got sharpened while the wait for the other crew members return took place.

Back at the camp a glass of wine, and the slid to and end.

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