Thursday, February 22, 2018

NRA insanity

Kadizzle has a gun,  Mrs Kadizzle has a gun.  We fear one thing, pheasants.  That is all the guns are for.  If the government comes to get out guns some pheasants will be safe. The gun insanity that has gripped the country is beyond belief.  Are we going to sacrifice our children because the NRA has purchased our legislators?   You want to register our guns, go ahead.  You want to fingerprint us, go ahead.  You want to make hand guns illegal go ahead.  Do what you have to do to protect our children.  Every modern country in the world has gun laws that have prevented mass shootings.  What do you get when you let the NRA purchase the government.  You get Donald Trump, a complete idiot.  You get worthless lickspittles like our congressional delegation in North Dakota. So not only do you get dead children compliments of the NRA, you get a government that only wants to shovel money to the rich while the country falls apart.

The NRA knows nothing sells better than fear.  The NRA feeds on fear. The government is going to get your gun.  A bad hombre is going to break into your house and rape your wife.  Think about what the government that promotes guns has done.  The government that promotes guns sure has oppressed every minority there is.  So if you are worried about your freedom as a black person, a gay person, a Mexican person, or a Muslim, think about the NRA government we now have.  It is the NRA government that has already stolen your freedom. 

In our country one of our biggest freedoms is an equal chance to succeed.  Do you have an equal chance with a person who inherits billions?  Do you have an equal chance with a kid that goes to the best schools, and does not have to pay his own way through school?  No, the NRA government has stolen your equality.  Who is in the NRA military?  It is not rich kids like Donald Trump.  The poor are our soldiers.   Who does all the work in this country?   It is the poor, the disadvantaged.  Trump never worked one day in his life.  So that freedom you are going to protect with your gun is already gone.

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