Friday, February 16, 2018

Calling your congressman or woman

The gun insanity has got Kadizzle foaming.  Kadizzle called all his North Dakota Representatives.  Sadly we have three NRA gun thugs in North Dakota, Heidi, Hoeven, and the worst rat in the world Cramer.  Now if you want to get the attention of the gun rats here is a tip. When Kadizzle calls them he says he is doing an article.  This is the article.  Kadizzle called the offices of the gun thugs and asked how much money they got from the NRA.  This really makes them squirm.  Next Kadizzle explained that the article had a deadline and he wanted the information right away.  Of course the congressmen don't want to admit they take blood money.

Kadizzle has a family.  If a family member or a friend is shot by an NRA sponsored killing what is Kadizzle going to say to himself on that day?  I did nothing while the NRA promoted gun sales. No, Kadizzle will say I fought the bastards every chance I got.  If NRA terrorist succeed in killing a close friend of mine or one of my children the NRA will find no furry like Kadizzle.  In action is what the NRA feeds on.  The other day Kadizzle was invited to a feed by a guy with an NRA T shirt on.  It was a chore to keep the mouth shut.  How do you penetrate the concrete of a Fox News brain?

In North Dakota the Fox News brain is fed on the farm by KFYR radio.  KFYR pumps up every right wing lie ever told.  The saddest thing of all is Heidi Heitkemp.  We elected her as a Democrat, but she things she can get free redneck votes with the gun issue.  Guns are like cocaine to rednecks.  Heidi knows it.  So she sits on the fence and draws in a few NRA gun votes instead of standing up to protect our children.  Votes are more important than children.

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