Tuesday, February 06, 2018

The Bubble Broke

What a strange world we live in.  A good jobs report blew up the stock market.  Kadizzle's retirement account took a gut punch.  Trickle down is working?  How can good news be bad news?  Well as the story goes if everyone has a job then workers can demand higher wages.  Isn't that a good thing? No, then there is not all that profit to pay the CEO 357 times what the worker makes.  What about supply and demand?  Good times cause inflation and who gets hurt?  It is always the guy on the bottom who gets blasted.  Everyone has driven down the road and seen the signs on the back of trucks that say. " Hiring Drivers".   The old saw is that capitalism works.  If drivers were in short supply in theory their wages should go up, but they don't.  Maybe they go up a little or they are offered a sign on bonus, but the real supply and demand never works for the working class.  Look at wages they have been stagnant for years.  Of course if you look at CEO pay it has been on a tear for years.  Now to the most amazing part of the ripoff.  What about productivity gains?  Eight out of ten dollars that came from increased productivity went to the top one percent of wage earners.  So does the economy work for everyone.  Hell no, but Trump is going to fix all that by giving tax breaks to the rich. 

One of the simplest ways in the world to succeed is to see what successful people are doing.  What if you applied that to countries.  Maybe we should look at countries that are beating us in income equality, education, health, and standard of living.  None of the countries that win in the big game have the income inequality our country does.  Hmmm does that tell you anything.  It all comes down to taxes. You cannot allow one percent of the people to have 90 percent of everything and think you will have a system that functions. 

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