Thursday, January 12, 2017

The shock continues

One wonderful thing about our life of quasi leisure and travel is meeting new and interesting people.  Today Kadizzle met another Forest Service volunteer.  Oddly she and her husband are Canadians.  So we have Canadians coming to our wonderful country and helping make it great again.  Mrs. Canadian has lived an interesting life.  She and her husband live 52 miles down a dirt road in Canada with no neighbors.  They raised their family back in the woods with nothing but solar power and home made hydro power. Kadizzle has always wanted to live like that so the conversation was interesting.  From the sound of it they have a wonderful life and a good place to run to when the old Trumpster gets the decline going.

In the sun on the deck of the very nice laundry facility the Forest Service has for us we talked about the recent election.  Kadizzle has always been amazed that people in other countries universally know more about American politics than the typical American.  Mrs. Canada had about the same shock the morning she awoke to a Trump victory as Kadizzle did.  So many people are still suffering from the disbelief that there are so many more ill informed people and mislead people than one could ever have imagined in this country.  Every day waking up in a surreal world where a man suffering from various forms of insanity is going to lead the country is a totally new experience.  It seems no longer possible to distinguish between dreams and reality.  We now live in a nation where reality, the truth, science, and what used to be called normalcy is gone.  Trump manufactures his own truth on a daily basis. His minions don't question the reality he creates. He is caught in front of thousands of people mocking a disabled reporter.  The incident is on video tape.  Trump claims it did not happen.  His cult accepts his explanation.  What they saw and heard with their own eyes and ears did not happen because The Donald said it did not happen.  How do we now live in a world were a man about to be president says he has a secret plan he will tell you on Tuesday never tells you the secret plan on Tuesday, and you just don't notice.  The whole thing is like the Jim Jones deal years ago where people drank the cool aid.  How do you get adults to poison their own children and then themselves?

People with functioning brains don't know what to make of a whole country full of delusional people.  Here we are with a man who just put a woman in charge of education who does not believe in the public school system.  Trump has appointed a Fox to watch every chicken house in the federal government.  People just don't notice.   Try as I may I just cannot get used to the idea of our country turning into a third world dictatorship run by a few rich people.  I cannot get used to the idea that Americans chose to do this.  It was not anything but willing ignorance and rampant stupidity, seasoned with false news, and wishful thinking.  Is this the new normalcy.  Will we ever return to the time when public figures were at least expected to make plausible lies.  Last night we watched a segment of the series Justified.  A distraught soldier was considering suicide with a grenade.  The soldier had a conversation with an older veteran at a bar while he played with the grenade.  He put the pin in, took it out, but never let go of the lever.   It created tension in the scene.  Now, we have a man with serious mental problems as president of the United States.  We have put a grenade in the hands of a man with an explosive ego,  and a desire for revenge that makes him us twitter in the middle of the night.  What a prospect awakening everyday under the leadership of a captain who would run the ship into any iceberg that insulted him.  His followers just don't notice he is nuts, just like the cool aid drinkers never noticed.  In one fell swoop our county has become a cult.

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