Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Driving with a drunk.

We all have done it.  We got in a car with a driver who may have been drunk, or just not capable of operating a car.  We rationalized the situation. I need to get home.  This guy is not that drunk.  We are not going on any big roads.  On it goes we get in the car and if we are lucky we make it home safe.  Well now our country is about to be lead by a drunk.  A delusional egomaniac who cannot tell the truth to save his life. He may not even know what the truth is.  Of course the Republicans assure us he is a little drunk, but they can control him.  So here we go.  The drunk is going to do what drunks do.  Their brains don't get enough oxygen and certain parts of the brain shut down.  With parts of the brain shut down you can do dangerous things.  The brain is very clever.  When it starts to shut down it shuts down the least important things first and tries to keep enough blood and oxygen available for the things that really matter.  Drunks are friendly, often with the wrong people that take advantage of them.  Drunks can be fun, and funny,  and fun to watch.  Drunks can start fights.  Drunks don't realize when they are in danger.  Drunks are destructive to relationships.  So here we go, a man drunk on the need to be his own hero will drive our car.  He will buy drinks for his buddies.  Our drunk may get us home, he may not.  He may destroy the whole country, he may just bust up a few things.  Once we get out of his car and look back at the stupid thing we did hopefully we will be smarter.  We will realize we came closer to disaster than we thought.  We may not get out of the car.  The drunk may plow the ship of state into a crowd of innocent people killing them and us.  Here we go.

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