Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Who makes the world go round?

Our society is obsessed with those on top, but who really matters?  If the CEO stayed home for half a year, probably the world would go on.  Try that with the garbage man, the coal miner, or anyone who actually gets up and makes things work. As a country we have developed a profound disrespect for the people who put the cars together, cook the hamburgers and stock the shelves.  Most of the disrespect is in how we pay these people. Some guy throws a football, or someone else sings a nice song, and we give them millions.  Get up some day hungry and cold,  ask someone to throw a football or sing a song, see how much warmer you are or if your appetite is satisfied.

Once people lose respect for those who work the best way to restore that respect is for the workers to simply stop.  That is what unions were about.  Paying someone a decent wage is respect. No one respected the slaves.  Today those on top see the working class as peasants to be exploited and raped with poor education and pay.  History has shown us the disrespect always erupts into revolution and change.  Who always loses their head when the masses finally have had enough? Yes, it is the guy on top. That Republican selfishness ultimately backfires.  That unwillingness to address fairness can get you killed.  Look to the past and see how it turned out in France, China, and each of those countries where greed got out of hand.  The top one percent got their head handed to them on a plate.

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