Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Seek and ye shall find

Yesterday Kadizzle wrote about being bored.  So today a good friend stopped by to help cure the boredom.  Kadizzle just visited the doctor today so the topic of healthcare came up.  Now my friends wife at one time worked in the healthcare field and he related this story to me.  Just about every man has had his prostate checked, but did it occur to you how do you train someone to check a prostate gland.  Presumably everyone knows where the prostate is located and how you get your fingers to it.  Well his wife was learning the intricacies of the procedure and of course you can only practice on men.  Who could you get to volunteer?  Hmm, the answer should be obvious, but they asked the gay guys to volunteer.  Well all's well that ends well.  Now, all those people who oppose homosexuals need to think about this.  Without them you may have to be a volunteer, just like giving blood.  So maybe you want to see a silver lining, or perhaps brown lining in every cloud.

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