Monday, April 13, 2015

The Ship has returned to Port

It is amazing to open your door and see your home clean and neat. Before the great adventure begins every year we have the house cleaned. By some miracle while we are gone the house stays clean. Dust does not even accumulate.  So here we are in a place where the kitchen is bigger than the entire space we spent the winter in.  Electricity is everywhere and we don't have to depend on solar or gas generators.  Water comes out of a pipe at will.  Internet is endless and all cost the same, no more worry about how many gigabytes we use.  Television is like gravity trying to suck our brains out.  Heat just magically comes on and you wake up to a warm house. Coyotes do not howl all night.  You don't worry about stepping out to pee at night and stepping on a rattlesnake. People know you.  A newspaper comes to your door.  Garbage men come to your house.  The miracles are just endless, but there is also a lot of brain dead that comes from being in one place too long.

Overall it feels like leaving one planet and going to another.  The landscape in North Dakota could not be more different than that we just left in Arizona.  Strangely the most striking thing is the color.  Arizona was actually green and full of plant life. Remember that was a desert, but back home it seems more like a desert. There is nothing but brown everywhere.  Eye candy seemed to be in every direction back on the other planet. No matter where you turned your head you saw a dramatically different seen.  Back here on the prairie it all seems the same.  Kadizzle is convinced the landscape shapes your mind.  There is a state of mind when you live in the hills of West Virginia, a state of mind in the desert, a state of mind in the western mountains, a state of mind at the ocean, and a state of mind in North Dakota.

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