Saturday, April 04, 2015

The Journey Home

The Kadizzles set out from Sedona to begin the journey home.  Last night we made it to Chociti Lake, but on the way we made the annual stop at the best breakfast in the world.  La Pasada has to be one of Kadizzles favorite eating places.  It is the original train station in Winslow Arizona.  Someone with some money had done an incredible job of restoring and improving it.  The woman who designed it also did the buildings at the Grand Canyon.  On PBS a lot of the special about The Harvey Girls was filmed there.  To this day the waitresses still dress like Harvey Girls.

When the waitress came to take Kadizzles order he told here some of the history about the room she was standing in.  At one time in the old days a man came into the food service area and sat down. When a Spanish woman came over to serve him the man objected.  He told the manager he would not be served by a Mexican American.  The manager told him he was correct. The manager told the man to leave.  The whole story about the Harvey Girls is very interesting and if you get the chance to watch the documentary be sure to do so.

Tonight we are in Wallsenburg.  With TV and electricity life is good. Tomorrow it will be Cherry Creek in Denver where we get to see our little Sylvie.

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