Thursday, April 30, 2015

Life has it's little ups and downs like ponies on a merrygoround.

Kadizzle returned home to work on his good ship and get it ready to plow the waters of Lake Sakakawea. Now the Gods of the universe have spit on that plan.  The dreaded PSA went up with Kadizzle,s last blood test. PSA stands for prostate specific antigen.  When the little cancer cells are munching away what they poop out is PSA.  When it goes up it means the little termites on humanity are active.  What the little evil cells live on is testosterone.  If you don't want to end up on the bottom side of the grass pushing it up you need to cut off the food supply to these little devils.  The answer to that problem is to have a shot of "Girl Juice".  Girl juice stops the production of testosterone. Actually girl juice is technically called Lupron.  Now comes the major problem. Hormone therapy only works for a short time.  The cancer devil figures out how to beat it, so the next treatment is a nuclear attack. Radiation for eight weeks, every day is the plan.

All of this on a practical basis has painted a picture of summer that does not look like fun.  Driving to Bismarck every day to get cooked will be a real nuisance.  Fortunately the weekends are free.  If all goes well perhaps Kadizzle will be spewing bullshit until 75 or 85.  The Kadizzle's youngest daughter will be married in the fall. By the fall Kadizzle should be up an running and able to enjoy the blessed event.

Under the best of circumstances aging is a chore, but looking around at friends who have dodged various health bullets, and friends who have gone to the great beyond, one can be thankful for the good years, and good times up to this point.

Almost daily Kadizzle meets someone close to retirement. Many of these people have the means to quit their job and do what they please.  Each person needs to realize the cork can be pulled at any time. Evaluate your life. If your job is so much fun you jump for joy in the morning, work until you drop. My advice is if you are not having a blast doing the same thing every day that you have done for eternity give it up and get with the full time program of tasting life's treats. Too many people  finally retire, get sick, drop dead, or become disabled. Admit their is an end to the movie and enjoy the ending. There are no reruns.

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