Tuesday, April 05, 2011

This too will Pass,

Yesterday was the big bust over the great divide. This is always occasion for great consternation. If you had been present during the negotiations you would have thought it was a moon shot. Pulling a camper over a pass when winter weather is still possible is always a lottery. There were three choices, go over Route 70, go over Wolf Creek Pass, or go all the way down to the Raton Pass. The Raton pass is the lowest and only four hours and 250 miles out of the way. Kadizzle lobbied long and hard for Wolf Creek Pass.

After a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth, the group reluctantly set out for the divide at Wolf Creek pass. On the way the brain storm hit Kadizzle to call the nearest human habitation to the pass they could find. It turned out to be a ski lodge right at the pass. The lodge said the pass would be fine. Kadizzle had predicted by noon the road would be dry. As the pickup trucks labored to pull the campers over the pass, by God's grace it did turn out to be sunny and dry. Coming down off the mountain we felt like Moses with the commandments. Every year the last great adventure is going over the Rockies. Timing has to be impeccable, and you may need to wait close by for the window of opportunity. The great southwest trip of 2011 was a great success with many new discoveries, many new friends, and far more good weather than anyone deserves. Next year the goal is to get some exploring done in the Escalante area.

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