Wednesday, April 06, 2011

I have to buy a new scale

I haven't stepped on a scale for some time. One reason I don't bother is because scales cannot be trusted. I know I am a handsome man in good shape, but when I step on a scale I am disappointed about how many scales are defective. Until I find a scale that confirms what I know to be true, I will avoid stepping on any.

So many times I have run into this phenomenon with people of the right wing persuasion. No matter what data Kadizzle offers them, the data is always wrong because it does not confirm their belief. As soon as they detect a difference between what the data shows and their belief they refuse to even read the data or dismiss it because it came from NPR, The New York Times, or some other highly suspect source. If The New York Times quoted the Bible, the Bible itself would have no credibility according to these people. Now, for the amazing part. Almost without exception when Kadizzle gets in a discussion with the right wing, the right winger will say they have data to contradict Kadizzles facts. However, when you ask them to point you to the data, or show it to you all they say is "It is there, I just don't have time to find it".

If you gave one of these people an article titled "Rice is good for you", and they believed it wasn't, they would not read the article. The title is all they need to know. They already know rice is not good for you, so why should they read an article that says it is not? Fox News clearly understands this phenomenon. Fox knows there is an audience of people that wants someone to confirm everything they believe. There is a market for someone who will say Obama was not born in this country, there is a market for someone who will deny Global warming. The beauty of the Fox system is Fox doesn't have to back up anything they say with facts or common sense. When Fox reran Michele Backmann's lie that Obama's trip to India cost 200 million a day. Fox never bother to check the facts, Fox knows it's followers only want fun urban legends, in this case generated by a blogger in India.

Now back to the scale I want. Somewhere there must be a scale that will tell me I weight 187 pound. The same company probably makes a mirror that will provide the correct image also. If only Fox was in the business of making scales and selling mirrors. Who knows they may read this and branch out into beauty lying.

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