Saturday, October 23, 2010

Shooting up the Hoopleheads

It is always fun to shoot up the Hoopleheads when you get a chance in public. At the grocery store Kadizzle knew a hard core Hoople was in line behind him, so Kadizzle made it a point to loudly express to the check out girl how the Hooples and Tea Party gang are destroying our country by spreading ignorance like a disease. At the post office this morning Kadizzle was talking to a good Democrat. A Hoople happened to be nearby. In no time the Hoople was standing up for Rush Limbaugh, and Glenn. The Hoople said Rush would not say anything unless is was factual. Wow, that took the cake. On to the bank. At the bank Kadizzle tried to encourage the pretty little teller girl to help bring back democracy by voting out the party of greed. She said she was too young to vote, but it was fun to see the older clerks cringe when they got bombed with reality. Our country can be taken back from the special interest if people will just fight for reality. Sadly when the Hooples shoot off the simple minded mantra they learn from Glenn and Rush no one shoots back. What if our founding fathers had been afraid to speak out? We would all be living like the peasants the Republicans want us to be.

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