Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Kadizzle headed to NYC

Today the country bumpkins are headed to the big apple. Kadizzle has not yet decided if he will speak at the U.N. If he does it will be in the parking lot. Kadizzle will address the world about the problems facing the planet. The United States has fallen behind in just about everything. Our educational system is on the rocks. The dumber the better seems to be our new motto. We now have screaming idiots like Rush, Glenn, an Fox News producing morons at an unheard of rate. Stupidity is our biggest export. As the election nears we cannot wait to show the world that we can kick stupidity up a notch. We have an ex witch running in Delaware, we have Palin, Bachmann, and a host of women appealing to the simple minded. If the conservatives get their way in November the country will have reached a new low for a population totally dumbed down by Fox an Company. As the Chinese reach supremacy our population craves the simple answers offered by crying lying right wing idiots like Glenn Beck. Beck's current effort to rewrite history take the cake. In many cases he is off by a thousand years, but like one idiot said "I did not pay attention in High School, so I am learning history from Glenn Beck". Wow, what has happened. You may as well learn chemistry in a meth lab.

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