Tuesday, October 12, 2010

As the escalator went up the pants went down

Kadizzle had been siting in the Chicago airport for two hours suffering from shear boredom. His seat happened to be close to where the escalator emerged from the floor below. As he glanced over at the escalator an older gentleman was proclaiming loudly to his wife with a lot of frustration, "This is he most embarrassed I have ever been in my life". As the man emerged from the escalator he walked duck style with his pants around his ankles. Apparently his britches had let loose on the escalator. Struggling to get his pants back up the man explained that he had not worn a belt. He thought this would make going through the metal detector easier. It was fine for that but did make the escalators a bit more of a problem. According to him he must have lost some weight while traveling and this would account for the pants coming down. He looked at me and said now what am I going to do. I told him there was a McDonalds near by, perhaps a couple cheeseburgers would remedy the situation. With his pants finally back at full mast he tried to make a scarf into a belt. Kadizzle hopes the rest of his day went better.

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