Friday, October 08, 2010

Kadizzle wanders into a strange store

A little bored waiting for Megan and The Commander to finish their beer in a bar where Megan used to bar tend, Lord Kadizzle stepped outside to wait on the sidewalk. Gazing into the store window next to the bar his lordship was a bit befuddled with the outfits on display. The outfits were a bit scanty and strange to say the least. Kadizzle decided to investigate further. As Kadizzle went into the store one of the first things he noticed were the fur lined hand cuffs. It soon became apparent what line of clothing this store was selling. Next his eye was caught by the pre-packaged outfits so your loved one could be a scantily clad nurse, police woman or what ever. Kadizzle turned to the clerk and said "It looks like this place is infested with Satan". The clerk responded that the music was strange for a satanic den, then Kadizzle notice the music was church music. The clerk explained that the computer was on the fritz and her selection on the radio just happened to feature church music. In the background the lyrics Hallelujah, Hallelujah, kept repeating. It seemed like such a nice touch for the dildo display. After inquiring about how well things were selling and getting a positive answer Kadizzle rejoined The Commander on the street. Kadizzle was going to ask The Commander if she needed anything from the store, but then he realized her inventory of whips and chains was in good shape and thought better of the notion. Perhaps The Commander would have enjoyed a skimpy general outfit, or a nice dictator suit with ruffles.

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