Friday, August 06, 2010

Sovereign successfully attacked several ships.

Sailing is certainly easier than cleaning the boat. After several harsh hours obeying The Commander as the boat was cleaned it was time to have some fun. As we cleaned the boat Jayden watched, questioned, and commented. Jayden is the grandson visiting his grandparents on the neighboring houseboat. Jayden has sailed with us before, and he began to hint it would be nice to go out for a sail. The wind was just right and it did not take a lot to push Kadizzle over the edge. Over the protest of The Commander Lord Kadizzle unleashed the good ship and we took off in search of treasure. Out in the big water we spotted two ships. One looked heavily laden with goods. Our maneuvers were ill considered and poorly timed and the the ship managed to make the Evil Capetian Kits port before we could unleash our cannons. However, the swashbuckling Jayden soon spotted a smaller prize. Jayden had been in the crows nest looking for booty when he spotted the other ship. The cannons were readied on the starboard side. Kadizzle had instructed Jayden to act friendly so as not to give away our evil intent. As the other ship neared Jayden waved and smiled. It worked the cannons were fired and the ship slowly sunk as we unloaded the booty. In retrospect now Kadizzle recalls how this adventure started. Jayden was playing with the winches on the boat. Kadizzle tried to explain to him how they worked, but realized it would be easier to show him under sail. Jayden picked it up pretty quickly once underway. More young people need to study the profession of piracy first hand, and spend less time in front of the computer. With piracy becoming more popular these days off the northwest coast of Africa it could be a good career.

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