Monday, August 02, 2010

Fight the Rats and save hundreds of dollars

For over an hour Kadizzle fought on the phone today against the health care rats at Blue Cross and finally won. Blue Cross refused to pay for a prescription because it was not prior approved. The prescription was for an emergency. Finally one of the dunderheads higher up the food chain at Blue Cross realized you cannot prior approve an emergency. One thing Kadizzle has realized in life is that when you deal with corporate American you have to just keep going up the food chain until you reach someone who can make an intelligent decision. Kadizzle has done this hundreds of times. The medical system in the United States is terrible and the most overpriced in the world. You will not understand this until you have to pay for it. I can get Benicar in Canada for $98. In Hazen it is $235. I hate Blue Cross, The crooked American drug companies and the right wing Hoopleheads that made sure we did not have the same health care most advanced countries do. For lack of health insurance my daughter just paid thousands for medications that would have been covered in any advanced country but this one. My daughter is not a welfare cheat. She works hard and has been trying to start her own business. In the United States we bankrupt young people so the rich don't have to pay taxes. It is wonderful. Drill baby drill.

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