Thursday, August 19, 2010

Baby Sitting at 8500 feet

Sylvie was up at 5:30. Her engine was running and in no time the day is started. As a grand parent it is hard to understand how we ever made it through the task of being a parent. It is a big job and requires constant attention. Erin, and Fran both work from home, so someone has to distract Sylvie while they work. Erin is in New York, so that leaves the grandparents. Yesterday was a day of walks, splashing in the pool, and constant energy. Kadizzle cannot figure how ancient people or pioneers dealt with children. It seems to have been impossible to move a wagon train across the country with a bunch of little kids. How did Indians live in cliff dwellings with little children. How could anyone survive with two or three little kids tagging along. The people of old did not have strollers, diapers, baby bottles, cups that do not spill, and baby intercoms. One could easily understand how infant mortality could have been terrible. Add to everything else coping with childhood disease, and medical problems. How did they do it?

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