Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Tax Bullshit

Remember the old days when a mother could stay home and raise kids if she wanted to? What happened? A man named Ronald Reagan thought the rich should not be taxed. The gipper got underway the current mess where the rich no longer pay their share of taxes. Reagan called it trickle down. He should have called it "Piss on the poor". From 1954 until 1978 the middle class got the biggest share of the pie they ever did in our country. Since the Republican pigs quit taxing the rich this has all changed. Now the rich get more of the national wealth than they ever have. The top one percent of our earners get 17% of the take. Real wages for working people have gone backwards. Most people don't take the time to find out what happened. Instead they prefer to listen to some propaganda machine like Fox News. For all the bitching you would think taxes have gone up. People are now paying the lowest tax rate since 1950. The biggest beneficiaries are the rich. George Bush had the first war in history where the rich got tax breaks. Click on this sentence and read the article that appears to see what really happened, or just continue to live in right wing fantasy land. Real wages for working people have gone backwards, meanwhile the pay for CEO's has gone from 147 times what a line worker makes to 500 times what a line worker gets. The taxes on the CEO have gone down, and the tax on the working person up, but that is not the picture the right wing paints.

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