Monday, December 07, 2009

A Church that does not preach hate and competition.

For the first time in a long time Lord Kadizzle sat in a church, or perhaps it was not. At any rate Kadizzle was sitting in the Unitarian meeting hall. It was so refreshing to be in a place where people came together and had no God competition. Believe what you want, just don't hurt anyone seemed to be the message. There were no silly bible versus, and no one being threatened with hell. There was none of the "we got it right and all the other gangs are wrong". If Kadizzle ever joined a group that would be it. These people are for social justice. Funny how it turns out that the people who feel discriminated against all turn up at the Unitarian church. The silly old Lutheran's in our town have their underwear all in a knot because of homosexuality. At the Universal church that got over that nonsense fifty years age, and are working on real problems like health care. It was so refreshing to know that there is a place where rational people can come together and discus something besides how many angels can dance on the head of pin.

Now for the clincher. The nature of the ceremony at the Unitarian meeting meant that about half the attendants were not members. The whole ceremony was a wonderful celebration of dedicating children. To Kadizzles amazement a non member complained after the ceremony that the word "comrade" was used twice in a hymn. The ability of those on the right to find evil lurking everywhere is astonishing. Comrade has been turned into a dirty word by the right, just like the new dirty word is socialist. Stealing the meaning of words is a trick Karl Rove perfected for the Republicans. The word comrade has no evil connotation, unless you seek to give it that meaning. Evil is in the eye of the beholder. Checking the definition Kadizzle found it could be used as a very good endearing term, yet my good friend the hard core right winger could only see the worst possible connotation. So much for fellowship.

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