Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Defeat Wall Street Greed, "Move your Money"
Kadizzle got a good link from a contributer to day. "Move your Money" is a grass roots effort to get people to quit patronizing the big Wall Street Banks, and let the small banks do the job. If people actually did what the article advocates the greedy bastards on Wall Street could bed brought to their senses. The secondary benefit would be that your own local area would actually be better off.
Hazen Blast off Slow to Go
Lord Kadizzle, and The Commander are having a slow launch from Hazen. Two weather windows are necessary. First we have to get to Denver, then onto somewhere warm enought that the Kadizzle capsule will not freeze at night.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Technology is totally out of control.
As usual Lord Kadizzle got up to read the paper and get up to date on the laptop. After delivering the mandatory coffee to The Commander, along with the newspaper, Kadizzle sat down to enjoy the New York Times on line. Then an instant message popped up from that blasted Christmas elf pictured below. The elf was ordering coffee from the bed room. Kadizzle shot back that cyber coffee was not available until 9 A. M., but the Christmas elf would not quit. Since the elf did clean up the kitchen last night Kadizzle caved in and made the elf the coffee.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
The Amazing roll over
Yesterday it was as if ten adults were watching a space launch, but that wasn't the case. My new granddaughter Ticklepinch was doing her version of acrobatics on the floor. From the intent following of the crowd it could have been an Olympic gymnastic event. Every move was praised and enjoyed in amazement. A few attempts to crawl highlighted the performance, but collapse meant it would be another day. The judges held up 10's for a couple of the roll overs that were executed cleanly and quickly. That so much pleasure could be derived from the performance of an awkward midget brings hope for a new reality show. Perhaps baby Olympics could become a staple on cable.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
May God Strike down my opponent
In the health care debate few things have been more bizarre than a Republican that stood on the floor of the senate and suggested that people pray a Democrat could not make it to the vote. The Republican seemed to be hoping God could find it in his heart to call Senator Bird home before the vote. Two other simple minded Republicans were involved in a prayer fest against health care. Imagine elected representatives actually praying health care reform would fail. To top it all of in the past week a couple of Republican senators were found to be involved in instituting the death penalty for homosexuals in Uganda. These people are simply insane.
Citing Sources
Poor old Lord Kadizzle has been in an endless battle with the Hoopleheads over health care. The Hoopleheads have accused Kadizzle of a failure to cite sources. Kadizzle has cited The Harvard Medical Review, The Economist, Newsweek, The OECD, The World Health Organization, The CIA Factbook, Nationmaster, The Washington Post, The New York Times, and a host of other sources, yet the Hooples claim Kadizzle has no facts. On the other hand the Hooples have never cited a singel source. Hooples have a strange view of what constitutes a fact. A Hooplhead believes that facts spring from public opinion or polls. If you hear a lot of people say something it must be true. If something is said a lot on Fox News it must be a fact. If someone you agree with most of the time says something it is a fact. If the people at the coffee shop believe it, it is true. When you argue with a hoople it becomes evident they never had an formal training in logic, research, or science. The whole concept of numbers and statistics baffles them. Percentages make their heads spin.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Haircut and an oil change?
Leave it to Hazen to have the first gas station where you can get your hair trimmed while they change your oil. Down at what used to be the B & H gas station you can have you hair done in high fashion. As your car goes up on the lift you get jacked up in the beauty chair. You and your car will emerge refreshed. When I complained to the young lady doing my hair that my hair was oily she said "What do you expect this is a gas station". Now, when I take the car to the gas station, I say " Put in a little Penziol, and take some off around the ears".
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Grandpa Kadizzle
Christmas has come full circle. Kadizzle and The Commander are grandparents this year. Now, every social event reveals the children of the children. Grandizzle feels both young and old from the new status. The young ones are refreshing, but proof Kadizzle has been around awhile. Life is flying by. Thirty some years ago the Kadizzles got up and brought Erin in our room for a morning snookle, this morning Sylvie is babbling away with Granny and Ein in the same spot.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Pheasant Season draws to a close.
The Commander has been out for blood the last two days. The Chinese Ring Neck Pheasant that have invaded North Dakota must be hunted down and put in the frying pan. That is what happened and The Commanders newly invented recipe was pretty good. If someone would just find a good recipe for the Taliban. Two days ago we had a terrific hunt. We both got our limit in a fairly short time. Saw lots of birds and got a little exercise. Yesterday we went to exactly the place were we saw many, many, pheasants, and some grouse. Not a thing. We walked and walked and so no birds. How that many birds disappeared is a mystery. We did manage to get two stragglers in some other areas. The Commander says we are putting the hunting gear away, but we may make one more trek to the south west. The land of milk and honey.
Verus Guy has a point.
"We have met the enemy, and he is us". Poor old Lord Kadizzle has to admit, the worst enemy of the left at this time is the left. Sell outs like our Democratic Senator Kent Conrad have done more to torpedo us than the right. Any person willing to take the time and do some research on statistics can see our country spends about five percent more of our GDP for health care than any of the countries that out perform us. Do you ever hear this from the liberals pushing for health care reform? The people who have succeeded with health care are the countries that have cut out the insurance companies. Cleverly the Republicans have hijacked the word socialism. Republicans have made it into a bad thing. Now the left is afraid to mention the word and use it as an example of what works. Because the left will not simply dispel the lies of the right by pointing to data that shows what works, the right gets the upper hand with the simple minded. The right knew if they got abortion into the debate it would stir up the Hooples. Good go right. The biggest mistake of the left was pointed out by Kieth Olberman a while back. Had the liberals called health care reform medicare for everyone, it would have cast the thinking in a different light. Scaring people and misinforming them is so easy. Whipping stupid people into a frenzy is just a matter of putting some adds on TV that Democrats want to kill grandma. Once the right makes up a story, it needs to be shot up quickly. However, the left always misunderstands how stupid people really are. Who would believe you are going to kill grandma? Most people think this is ridiculous, but there is a hard core group of simple minded that believes it. These are the same people that believe Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Lying, deceit, scare tactis pay off, Hoopleheads baffled.
Kadizzle is losing the faith. It looks like the Hooples are being led to the slaughter. There will be no meaningful health care reform. Big business has shown once again who owns the country. Buying a few Senators, some adds, and a barrage of lies has worked. The Hooples are easy to sell and easy to scare. Kadizzle has challenged every right winger he can to show any data that the single payer systems in Europe don't work. Data has no bearing on reality for the Hoopleheads. All the data says the countries that have adopted single payer have cheaper health care with better outcomes, but no one wants to hear the truth, it is much simpler to let Fox lead them in circles. Only when there is a complete crises will the Hoopleheads finally realize the house is on fire.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Pheasant Frustration
The problem with pheasants is they keep getting smarter, and Kadizzle keeps getting dumber. Yesterday, old Kadizzle made two long shots. Manage to recover one bird, but the other one hid and will live to fight again. Later in the day Kadizzle peaked in the gun chamber. Once in awhile Kadizzle forgets to chamber a round, so he peaks in the chamber to make sure the gun is loaded. Unfortunately the bold did not close all the way. Up popped the cackler, it was a dead on shot, but the gun did not go off. That fellow would have had underwear full of lead, but now he is home enjoying a brandy on a cold winter day.
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Winter is decending
It is time to go south soon. The cold has settled on the little village, and who wants to stay here and freeze. So far it has been relatively mild, and the snow has been light. Light snow is a mixed blessing. It helps the pheasants survive, but it keeps the lake from filling next spring.
Monday, December 07, 2009
A Church that does not preach hate and competition.
For the first time in a long time Lord Kadizzle sat in a church, or perhaps it was not. At any rate Kadizzle was sitting in the Unitarian meeting hall. It was so refreshing to be in a place where people came together and had no God competition. Believe what you want, just don't hurt anyone seemed to be the message. There were no silly bible versus, and no one being threatened with hell. There was none of the "we got it right and all the other gangs are wrong". If Kadizzle ever joined a group that would be it. These people are for social justice. Funny how it turns out that the people who feel discriminated against all turn up at the Unitarian church. The silly old Lutheran's in our town have their underwear all in a knot because of homosexuality. At the Universal church that got over that nonsense fifty years age, and are working on real problems like health care. It was so refreshing to know that there is a place where rational people can come together and discus something besides how many angels can dance on the head of pin.
Now for the clincher. The nature of the ceremony at the Unitarian meeting meant that about half the attendants were not members. The whole ceremony was a wonderful celebration of dedicating children. To Kadizzles amazement a non member complained after the ceremony that the word "comrade" was used twice in a hymn. The ability of those on the right to find evil lurking everywhere is astonishing. Comrade has been turned into a dirty word by the right, just like the new dirty word is socialist. Stealing the meaning of words is a trick Karl Rove perfected for the Republicans. The word comrade has no evil connotation, unless you seek to give it that meaning. Evil is in the eye of the beholder. Checking the definition Kadizzle found it could be used as a very good endearing term, yet my good friend the hard core right winger could only see the worst possible connotation. So much for fellowship.
Now for the clincher. The nature of the ceremony at the Unitarian meeting meant that about half the attendants were not members. The whole ceremony was a wonderful celebration of dedicating children. To Kadizzles amazement a non member complained after the ceremony that the word "comrade" was used twice in a hymn. The ability of those on the right to find evil lurking everywhere is astonishing. Comrade has been turned into a dirty word by the right, just like the new dirty word is socialist. Stealing the meaning of words is a trick Karl Rove perfected for the Republicans. The word comrade has no evil connotation, unless you seek to give it that meaning. Evil is in the eye of the beholder. Checking the definition Kadizzle found it could be used as a very good endearing term, yet my good friend the hard core right winger could only see the worst possible connotation. So much for fellowship.
Friday, December 04, 2009
Woman Caught in Hazen on Dick Cheney's Motorcycle

Frequently the motorcycle gang in Stanton sends someone over to Hazen for supplies. Today the same police chief who threatened a local resident for allowing his decrotive reindeer to fornicate on the lawn, captured one of the Stanton Gang on Dick Cheney's War Duck motorcycle. Apparently the cycle was stolen from Cheney when he was wheelchair bound. The motorcycle was very dear to Cheney, he used it to run over the truth, spread hate and discontent, and go to his rallies that attack anything Obama does. Cheney claims most of his ideas to help the rich come to him while he rides his War Duck motorcycle through poor neighborhoods to observe the destruction he has created.
When police Chief Dahl approached Shavanda on the cycle and demanded she return it. Shavanda shouted " I'll give this cycle back to his sorry white ass, when he gives the country back". With squealing tires she left Dahl in a cloud of smoke and the War Duck was on the road screaming to Stanton. Back at cult headquaters of the motorcycle gang on Strawberrry hill rumors have leaked that their leader Mad Dog Kerns is working on a weapon in case troops are sent to recapture the War Duck. Mad Dog knows Cheney fears weapons of mass destruction, so Mad Dog is working on a machine that will turn out right wing lies so fast it will drive the nation into a frenzy of stupidity.
The CIA reports the Stanton motorcycle gang has been trying to acquired stupidium form Fox News. Stupidium can only be made with complicated centrifuges that spin the brains out of Hoopleheads. Although there are abundant Hoopleheads in North Dakota the process is slow and complicated because of the small size of the brains you have to work with, but if anyone could perfect it, an undisclosed CIA source said it is Mad Dog Kerns.
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Gangland Boss found in Evergreen Colorado

"Yous guys got any questions?" In an exclusive interview with the reputed gang leader of the Bear gang, Lord Kadizzle had a rare glimpse into how the organization is run. The big boss seen here explained that she likes a stiff drink early in the morning just to get her going. At around eight her body guard Katie shows up and picks out an outfit. Great care goes into picking something that will give the tuff look. Usually after the boss has had some breakfast, there might be a little nap. Around ten things begin to jump. The boss get into the jumpero and jumps up and down shouting orders. With the gang gathered around they listen to every remark. Although no one is sure what the boss is saying or wants they all pretend to understand every word. Watching the boss jump is like the clip of Rush Limbaugh Kieth Olbermann shows every night. The boss waves her hands and makes unintelligible proclamations, just like Limbaugh. Fortunately the little boss is a lot smarter. If the gang is lucky the boss goes back for another nap, and the terrorized gang members have a rest.
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Telephone Excitement, and I don't mean phone sex
Kadizzles New York Daughter called in a frenzy. Megan lost her phone. Technology has reached new hieghts. Megan has an iphone. You can have the phone tell you where it is. We managed to find the phone in the street in New York City, before a car ran it over. When the phone is lost you can have it make a noise and you can also post a message on the phone telling the finder where to call. Megan found the phone and called, but her call was interrupted. The Commander assumed some evil empire got the phone, and started to make wild assumptions about how the evil empire would delibrately steal the phone. Part of the beauty of the phone is that if someone does take it you can see on a map where they are going, provided they leave the phone on.
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