Saturday, June 06, 2009

Myan Calander still in use in Mercer County.

At the fine Marina where I store my boat one signs a contract that requires Lord Kadizzle to have his boat out of the storage lot by May 15. Due to the fact the the docks where I keep my boat were not ready my boat could not go in the water until June 8th. The owner of the storage lot, and marina where my boat is stored explained to me there are two months between May 15, and June 3, the date I put my boat in the water. So instead of paying one month's late fee the man of infinite integrity with a cross in his front yard wants me to pay him for the Mayan month of Cashaflowa which runs from May 15 to the end of May, and the Julian Calander of June, which in his infinite Christian magnanamous way he refuses to prorate. Perhaps I was wrong about the cross in his yard and it was a left over remnant from a Klan barbeque.

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