Thursday, October 30, 2008

Talking to my friend the Old Goat

Last night I spoke with my friend the Old Goat on the phone. The Old Goat is famous for his quote "Education just confuses people'. The Goat says he is "scared to death" Obama will be elected. Even though he has been forced to downsize from two houses to one, even though his son in laws brokerage business has been devastated he is worried about Obama. What could Obama do to him that George, and the Republicans have not already perfected. Mrs. Goat also spoke to me. She was still sure there is some sort of terrorist conspiracy behind Obama. Even though I personally took Mrs. Goat to the sources of the lies, Mrs Goat is sure Obama is pallin around with terrorist. If Satan were a Republican the Goats would vote for him over Jesus. I think Jeeesus was palin around with twelve terrorist according to urban legends in Hazen, that would be the rumor if Jeesus was running as a Democrat. Of course sharing has now been relabeled socialism.

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