Sunday, October 05, 2008

Are we a country of idiots?

The Sarah Palin phenomenon has done more to destroy my faith in our country than anything I have experienced in my adult life. That such a simple minded person could be chosen to run for the vice presidency, and the fact that so many people could be taken in by this ploy has made me doubt what Americans read, what kind of education they have, and confirms how easily Americans can be sold a bill of goods. At one time I might have been able to rationalize voting for John McCain, however the fact that he has chosen Sarah Palin to run with him has totally shocked me about his desperation to win office. McCain could have chosen from a wide range of people such as Bloomberg, or even the Morman. Choosing a total nitwit to engage the NASCAR, Joe Six Pack, Hockey Mom, bunch is incomprehensible. If you are considering voting for McCain please let me know something about how your mind works. I wake up everyday feeling like I am on another planet that has a far greater population of uneducated than I ever believed in my worst nightmare. The percentage of people that still think Iraq attacked the World Trade Center is the benchmark for American Stupidity. I think the last survey said forty percent of Americans believe it was Iraq that attacked us. I like to think 28 percent of Americans are hard core stupid. We could live with that number, but I fear the number is far greater. Out of curiosity I try to ask a lot of people who they are going to vote for. Every time I deal with a McCain supporter I ask "Why?" Each time I get a blank stare and no answer. The number of prejudiced people is amazing. They cannot say it out right, but they make a strong hint they cannot vote for a black person. The classic was a fundamentalist friend who said at my kitchen table, "I could not vote for a black or a woman for president', and this man claims to be a hard core Christian. For eight years we have lived with another total idiot as president, a man who cannot speak the language, a man incapable of telling the truth, and a man who has destroyed the American economy at the same time he has wasted countless American lives. If we risk the possibility that an even worse mental disaster like Sarah Palin could become president, who should we blame. I suggest we blame the people who failed to speak out as the train heads toward disaster. There were people in Germany who saw Hitler for what he was, and remained silent. If the disaster occurs, and we have the ultimate embarrassment for vice president, and old McCain goes south from cancer, I will send you this email again. I spoke out before we elected the last idiot, and it did no good, but I am willing to give it another try.

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